About Us
Customized Procedure Solution
Patient Temperature System
Products Category
Universal Pack ReinforcedUniversal Pack Paediatric
C-Section Drape Large
Surgical Gown Impervious
Surgical Gowm Reinforced
Surgical Gown Standard
Scrub Suits
Full Body Blanket
Upper Body Blanket
Lower Body Blanket
Paediatric Blanket
Patient Gown
Surgical Mask
Nurse Bonnet Cap
Surgeon Beret Cap
Neurology Pack
C-Section Pack
Extremity Pack
Knee Arthroscopy Pack
Adhesive Drape
Aperture Drape
Split Drape
Extremity Drape
Lab Coat
Knee Arthroscopy Drape
TUR Drape
Hand Drape
Cardiovascular Drape
Hip Drape
Isolation Gown
Laparoscopy Drape
Angiography Drape
Equipment Drape
Microscope Drape
Camera Drape
News Category
● Solution
MPA cleanroom has achieved the ISO class8 certificationMPA sales team attended Africa Health 2019 exhibition in Johannesburg
MPA has become a member of SAMED
MPA has done the ISO13485 certification
MPA supported 3500pcs coveralls to combat novel coronavirus in China
MPA donated 20000 surgical masks and ventilator to Groote Schuur hospital
What is MPA doing to COVID-19
MPA start manufacturing medical apparels in Cape Town